Monthly Archives: January 2014

We Have a New Mission!

What's Your Mission?

What’s Your Mission?

This New Years, we put our heads together and gave our Mission Statement an overhaul!

In 1996, Ron Najafi realized the extent that toxic chemicals were contaminating the workspace, and ECO Funnel® was devised to resolve the threat. Since CP Lab Safety was founded on principals of health and safety, we want to uphold these ideals in how we do business.

During our annual review, we voted to make it official by revising our Mission Statement and Company Vision with the following commitments:

Our Mission: To keep people healthy & safe.
Our Vision: To be the best safety company in the world.

We hope these changes will help clarify our purpose not only to our customers, but ourselves, by reminding us where we came from and what our focus should continue to be.  Please join us in safeguarding the workplace, and protecting our people for a healthier, happier tomorrow!

Your Friends at CP Lab Safety

Photo courtesy

We Hope 2014 Brings You Many Reasons to Smile!

Happy New Year

☆ ☆ ☆ HAPPY NEW YEAR ☆ ☆ ☆

May you find time to enjoy the simple pleasures of life
May the love in your heart never fade
May you find treasure more precious than gold
May you be healthy, safe and joyful all year long

CP Lab Safety intends to continue providing you with excellent service in 2014!

Our New Year’s Resolution is to help make the world a safer and healthier place.

CP Lab Safety – Your environmentally friendly supplier, bringing you smiles with every package!